
The ProL2TP manpages are included with each component package, and may be browsed using the man command once the packages are installed.

We include the manpages for the most recent ProL2TP release here for reference.


The documentation for the prol2tpd daemon itself is provided by prol2tpd(8).

The daemon’s configuration file is documented by prol2tpd.conf(5).

The CLI management utility for prol2tpd is documented by prol2tp(1).

The CLI event watching utility for prol2tpd is documented by prol2tpwatch(1).


The documentation for the propppd daemon is provided by propppd(8).

The daemon’s configuration file is documented by propppd.conf(5).

The CLI management utility for propppd is documented by propppctl(1).

The CLI event watching utility for propppd is documented by propppwatch(1).


The documentation for the proacd daemon is provided by proacd(8).

The daemon’s configuration file is documented by proacd.conf(5).

The CLI management utilities for querying and managing proacd are documented by proac_info(8), proac_manage(8) and proac_trace(8).

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